
Over the road truck driver, traveling the lower 48 and sharing my thoughts about it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

In a motel tonight

I could really just keep on about the work place sad What was I thinking? That's why I'm here lol

This place just doesn't give a crap about it's people neutral

This morning I was kicked out of my truck so it could go to the shop sad Seemed like I was in the way while I was trying to get dressed and grab a couple of things surprised

And now I'm in a motel without any of my stuff. I wasn't able to put ice in my cooler today, so my food will probably go bad by the time I see my truck again sad

See this morning, they actually took my truck to Detroit Diesel for some sort of repairs smileBut it didn't get completed. Hinze the motelwinkBut instead of letting me grab some gear from the truck, they just left me hanging exclaim

But one good thing about this company, most of the shops have a company vehiclebiggrin This one is a Chevy Trailblazer. Pretty nice truckbiggrinyou can borrow the truck for an hour to run errands, get food or whatever you need to do in an hours timebiggrin But Get this exclaim

A couple of lady's fly down on the company jet for some thing, who knows question And took the company car to the motel neutral
REALLY question

Like Gordon wouldn't pay for the cab, or hell the motel shuttle brought me over. Or I'm sure you can rent a car, but know.

I can't wait to get this new job. I am not under any illusion that the next company well be any better that this one neutral But at least the terminal is only an hour from the housesmile

Hopefully I won't have to deal with this shit anymore smile There is always the chance of breakdowns in my line of work sad But there is no reason for me to have to sit in some strange town for two days to get an oil change surprised

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