Unfortunately I've come to expect the worse from my job. So today was my fault. But I got into Kingman about 0400—0430 at which time I thought about going home. Except for the fact that I had actually started about 1030 yesterday morning. Little tired.
I jumped into the sleeper and about four hours later the qualcomm started chirping at me. Preplan load assignments. One from Kingman, picking up about 2000 going to Gardena CA. the other picking up at 0800 over by Magic Mountain. I'm not going to get into the whole hours of service thing, considering I just worked an 18 hour day. But my problem was that I didn't really pay attention to the times on the runs.
Yes the first was to pick up today, but it doesn't have to deliver until before 9am Monday morning and I have to pick up that other one at 8am Monday so it's doable. But like I said earlier. I've come to expect the worse here. So I didn't give it a second thought. But I coulda been home all day today instead of trying to get the sleep to do these runs I thought had to be done in the morning.
So I got home about 9:30 this evening. That's when my wife tells me that my pay check was $60? Okay, so now I'm pissed. I refuse to live in a truck. Work weeks at a time without a day off and end up with a $60 paycheck. There had better be a good reason. But doesn't matter. Guess it's job hunting time again.
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