
Over the road truck driver, traveling the lower 48 and sharing my thoughts about it.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Ahh, modern technology

It's been kind of a harsh week. My Samsung Galaxy took a shit in the beginning of the week. Being that I'm only home on most weekends, it's been a very long week. And the weekends getting longer, having to set up a new phone ones again.

I stopped by At&T in Sacramento the other day. Hoping to get the phone checked out. Most they would do is to plug it into a charger. So the wife had AT@T send me a replacement $125

So my problem. I've been with some form of AT$T (pun intended)  for nearly 20 years. I've been AT$T, Cingular back and forth since I carried this phone with a cord that looked like a suit case. I pay insurance for the phone. And I gotta pay $125 for a replacement & send them back my old one. For fuck sake, I can upgrade to an IPhone 4g at Walmart for $114  But I'm not eligible for an upgrade till October? So, what? No phone till October? Really? And you want me to remain a customer? Really?

You know I've been bitching about AT$T for a while now. But really I shoulda known better. A couple weeks ago I get a text message from AT&T suggesting I upgrade to a newer android software. So I go to their website & follow their directions & turn my phone into a paperweight. When I plug it in to charge the phone doesn't realize it's plugged in. Which is making getting the stuff off of the old phone a real chore.

I plugged it into the computer to see if I could at least read the drive, and boom the damned thing fires up. I tried two different car chargers, a house hold charger. And even tried to put a different battery in it.

Went to this cell phone accessories store in Sacramento. That girl helping me out...  Smoking hot... Of course while looking in the display, they had my phone for about $75  and AT$T CHARGED ME $125. BASTARDS. And it's not ever 4g, BASTARDS.

So anyway. Like I said. I'm trying to get this new, refurbished, over priced phone working until I can upgrade to 4g in October? Maybe with AT$T, But probably with someone else. So much for loyalty.

And one more thing. BASTARDS.

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