
Over the road truck driver, traveling the lower 48 and sharing my thoughts about it.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Never fails

I knew I shouldn't have said anything about my new job. Seems like every time I get ahead of myself something happens. I was suppose to be on a flight to Washington State tonight to start orientation on a new job tomorrow. Well, see years ago I had a back surgery. Fusion of L5/S1. This thing keeps biting me in the ass. The company that I'm going to work for doesn't want to spend the money to fly me to Washington yet. they want to get a physical agility test done. Which I don't blame them. But I've been working for close to 10 years since the surgery. And have been through the agility test numerous times. Being the reason that I don't ever try to hide the fact that I've had the surgery. I'm open and upfront from the start, mainly because I can't afford to leave one job till I have the next. These are the times that I miss being single with no responsibilities. But at least it will give me time to recover from this flu/cold or what ever I got.
My goodness. I was trying to work on my wife's car the other day, when all of a sudden my belly started aching. So I went inside thinking the heat was getting to me. But then I got tired, so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open. I spent the next two days sleeping, only to wake up long enough to give birth to an Alien. You know the movie Alien, when the alien came out of the stomach. Well that's how I felt. Just plan horrible.
One other bonus. I've been trying to get my ham radio license for years. Because of my type of work I've never been able to be home on the right day to take an exam. So a couple of weeks ago I was able to make it to the local clubs monthly meeting. Not able to take the test at the time, I attempted to set up an exam. At the beginning of this week I emailed the local exam guy letting him know that I would be home Fri -Sun. and see if I could schedule an exam. Good news. I got an email back saying that they are a go for an exam. Next Friday? 10am?
Now what a minute. If you would like to take the time to check ham radio clubs websites, and read there minutes. You will see most clubs are hurting for membership, and longing to get the younger generations interested in the hobby. So here is an idea. How about you schedule and exam for 10am Friday morning, when the younger generation is at work???? But from the looks of it, I might actually be able to fit this one in.

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