I got home Saturday night, just kind of relaxed yesterday, and then had a doctors appointment today. Just labs, gotta be here in a couple weeks to find out if I'm healthy or not. But after the doctors I went don't to motor vehicle registration for the enduro. Oh boy. I have not ridden this bike since 2008.
My son in law did something nice for me a couple months ago and i decided I'd let him ride my bike. Been seeing him eyeball my bikes, and since he seems to me manning up, thought I'd do something nice for him.. The problem was that the bike he wanted to ride didn't run because it had sat so long. Well, while I was gone he took the bike to the shop and got it running. Well this morning I went and get the bike licensed. then of course I had to do a little trail riding.
So now my legs don't want to work, yep. you guessed it. Blew out my legs. I was only out there an hour or two. But I rode into the garage, and went to walk in the house. And yep. Had one heck of a time getting to the couch.
I sure do miss riding this bike. But my son likes to go for rides with me. He use to ride on the back of the Suzuki, but when I got the Kawasaki Vulcan with the back rest. That was the one he wanted to ride on. and being that I have very limited time for riding. The Suzuki sat for a couple years. due to sitting the carb clogged up and the next thing you know it's sitting with flat tires.
I couldn't see the since in forking over the more to get it running, which I could have done myself. But again with the limited time. Them couldn't see the since in registering it since I never have time to ride it. But now that Mike will be riding it. Why not. The bike sure is a lot of fun to ride.
So that will work. Now I can go for a ride when I get home. And since there are two running bikes now. Mike and I can go for a ride together. I don't mind riding alone. but it is a lot more fun to ride with someone.
Reminds me of the old 'suzi' 125' i had years ago, very happy memories about riding that!
ReplyDeleteSolo riding seemed to be better for me because of the freedom to ride in quarries and dirt tracks, oh' happy-happy days when i had a bike,thats for sure, bob.